Bibliothèque d'Ordan-Larroque

Bibliothèque d'Ordan-Larroque

Le Soir Du Vent Fou
JEURY Michel


Le Soir Du Vent Fou


Published: 1 janvier 0101


In 1954, Vincent Lerouge was twenty years old when he was appointed substitute teacher at Mondonat, a small town in the Périgord Noir. Came there for a fortnight, he will remain there for eleven years. Time to discover all the miseries and joys of a difficult job? Is it still time for the single class? In the midst of a suspicious population; and the hatreds and mysteries of a closed community, which refuses abroad the right to take an interest in the drama which, twenty years earlier? The evening of the crazy wind, shook it: the fire of a farm during which a man died. It is however to the elucidation of the crime that Vincent focuses; it will take many years, exceptional circumstances and the complicity of some to achieve it ... Beyond this intrigue, what makes the richness of the beauty of this novel is the very life of the village, from season to season, and all its characters: the kids, their parents, the peasants, the little lord local, parish priest, colleagues from neighboring municipalities, all alive, endearing, whether stubborn, mad, intelligent, tender or cruel. A whole world of hidden passions.